Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dream Comes True

Always in my heart
You make me feel more loved than I've ever felt
And happier than i've ever dreamed.
The love and understanding you have
Is something I have searched for my entire life.

Always in my happiest and saddest moments,
You are my best friend and confidant.
I come to you for everything,
And you listen without judgment.

Always, deep inside my soul,
I know we have a love like no other.
What we share is something
others only hope for and dream of,
But few ever experience.
Our love is magical beyond belief.

Always, without hesitation,
You give of yourself completely.
You have reached the very depths of my soul,
Bringing out emotions I never knew I had
And unveiling an ability to love I never thought possible.
Always and forever you will be my dream come true,
The one I have waited for all these years.
From now until the end of time,
I will love only you.
We will always be together.

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