Friday, April 5, 2019

Just Walk Away

I know I must forget you and go on
I can't hold back my tears too long
Though life won't be the same
I've got to take the blame
And find the strength i need to let you go
Just walk away
Just say goodbye
Don't turn around now you may see me cry
I mustn't fall apart
Or show my broken heart
Or the love I feel for you
So walk away
And close the door
And let my life be as it was before
And I'll never never know
Just how I let you go

Friday, February 23, 2018

Sometimes ...

Sometimes you can't explain what you see in a person
It's just the way they take you to a place where no one else can

Sometimes you just feel deeply in need for that person
Even while you aren't sure he loves you in return

Sometimes you finally feel in love with that person
Just because you feel him your home and mean for passion

Sometimes it happen to feel jealous for that person
Although you try your best to hide behind a moon

Do you think it's your right way to go
or is it better to get back without getting hurt ??

I guess if he'd really care it'll definitely be sooo
Otherwise it's better to return back silent

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

جانى أبويا فى المنام

جاني ابويا في المنام
اتفرد جنبي ونام
قالي فينك يابن ضهري
حتي مستخسر زيارة؟؟؟
قلتله في الدنيا يابا
قالي دنيتكم خسارة
قلتله مطحون يابويا في الرحايا
بجري جري الوحش فيها
من صباحي ولمساية
قاللي يابني عيش حياتك...
ارض ربك وارض ذاتك
قاللي اسألني انا
مش هينفعك الا عملك
اعمل الصالح تملي
زكي يابني
صوم وصلي
خلي حسناتك تعلي
خلي ذكر الله تملي فوق لسانك
ادعي يابني في كل لحظة
مش عشاني .....لأ عشانك
ده الدعا هيعلي شانك
ما تلمس ايدك حرام
ولا يدخل جيبك حرام 
بالحرام يابني بتضيق القبور
قلتله ويش حاله قبرك؟
قاللي يابني كله نور
قد ايه ربك رحيم 
قد ايه ربك غفور
كنت رايح له وشايل
فوق كتافي الف ذنب
بس كان جوايا قلب
ماعرفش الا يحب
ربنا رحمته اوسع
مما يتصور خيالك

ابتسمت في ضي وشه
وقولتله دي مكتوبالك
ذدني يابا في النصيحة
قاللي هاقولها لك صريحة
اوعي يابني في مرة
او تكون أداة لظالم
وانصف المظلوم تملي
خلي قلبك بيت مظالم
خلي يابني البال من امك
زيها مايشلش همك
في رضاها السعد يابني
مهما تعلي ولا تبني
خلي بالك من ولادك
هما دول مالك و زادك
هما دولة امتدادك
قلتله نفسي اجيلك
قالي كل شئ يابني بأوان
كل واحد له أوانه
بالمكان وبالزمان

قمت بايسه فوق جبينه
ولمست بشوق عيونه
وصحيت م النوم بفرحة
شفت ابويا في المنام
من حلاوة الحلم نفسي
كل مااقوم تاني ....انام

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Losing your Father

أن تفقد (أباك) معناه أنك تخسر الجدار الذي تستند إليه ويجعلك في مهب ريح قد لا ترحم من هم أمثالك. 

أن تفقد (أباك) معناه أن تفقد السماء التي تجود بنبع الحب والحنان.

أن تفقد (أباك) معناه أن تفقد المظلة التي تحميك من الشرور وتجعلك وحيداً في مواجهة العالم. 

أن تفقد (أباك) ليس معناه اليتم فقط، بل يعرف من يتعامل معك أنك وحيداً أمامه، وربما أمام طموحه.

أن تفقد (أباك) معناه أن تحس بمعنى الوحدة، فقد فقدت من يمد يده ليساعدك، ولو مدت لك ألف يد.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Missing u Daddy

Five months have passed
I'll never forget the day
That you'd gone away

The hurt is the same
Like an open wound

Some days the pain is stronger
I can't stand this much longer
I just sit here and weep

You were like a rock
Strong, faithful and true
What worth has my life
Now I don't have you

I was your first born
Daddy's little girl
I took my own path
But was still part of your world

I was not the best
Guilty of neglect
But you know daddy dearest
I had so much respect

I always loved you
My dad, my star
Now my pain is
To worship you from afar

 I am proud to say you are my dad,
the greatest man I ever knew

I love you now
As I did back then
I just hope... one day
I will see you again

I am so proud of you
Brave and strong to the end
Now when asked "how are you?"
There is no need to pretend

We all love and miss you so much, sleep well
and take care of all who went before you

Feeling Lost with Hope

Feeling lost without him
Feeling empty too
I used to be my daddy's girl
This I know was true.
Now that we have split apart
Gone our separate ways
I pray to God each night
To bring us back together someday.
Yet I fear this is impossible
Not right now anyway.
I still hold out hope
To be my daddy's girl again someday.
Yet still all I can say is,
I'm feeling lost without him
Feeling empty too
Dear God I'm still praying
Please oh please to help me get through.


Special Hero

When I was a baby,
you would hold me in your arms.

I felt the love and tenderness,
keeping me safe from harm.

I would look up into your eyes,
and all the love I would see.

How did I get so lucky,
you were the dad chosen for me.

There is something special
about a father's love.

Seems it was sent to me
from someplace up above.

Our love is everlasting,
I just wanted you to know.

That you're my special hero
and I wanted to tell you so.